FS Community Service

I had the opportunity to teach ultimate frisbee to a group of underprivileged children in our school. As a volunteer, I was determined to make the experience both fun and educational. The kids were initially hesitant and unsure about the sport, but I encouraged them to try their best and learn new skills. We started with basic throwing and catching techniques, and gradually progressed to more advanced strategies. Despite some initial struggles, the children began to enjoy the game and showed remarkable progress. They became more confident and engaged in the activity, which was great to see. One of the most rewarding moments was when the children played in their first competitive match. They were excited and nervous at the same time, but I could see the joy on their faces as they played the game they had learned. Overall, teaching ultimate frisbee to these underprivileged children was a fulfilling experience. It not only taught them new skills but also gave them an opportunity to have fun and learn the value of teamwork and sportsmanship.

LO’s met :

LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I learned throughout my experience educating the unprivileged kids that they were not fluent in the language that I spoke. I discovered that just because I am more skilled than they are does not automatically translate into being able to express that to them easily, therefore I developed and strengthened my communication skills. As a result, I also developed excellent communication skills with kids.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As one of the more seasoned players, I had a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. Prior to this CAS experience, I was really timid and avoided social situations, but because I was the leader, I had to communicate to everyone. I was really confident since I had them learn throws, drills, and warm-ups. I had to coordinate with the other volunteers and provide them their respective tasks during this task.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

As our group’s most competent player, it was my responsibility to identify the skills of the other players and assign them to certain positions. I continued to hone my teamwork abilities as I actively listened to the children’s needs and effectively supervised the group members. Using my prior knowledge in the sport, I had to select the drill that would be most useful for the kids’ level of competence. In addition, I was in charge of organising the exercises and lesson plans for each session.

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