Donation Drive

I made the decision to devote my time to providing food, water, and blankets to homeless persons on the streets for a number of weekends in a row. It all began as a random act of kindness, but it soon turned into a habit. Each week, I made sure to prepare ahead and gather enough items to give to people in need. We set out to change things together after I invited several friends to join me. We ran into friends who had seen us on prior weekends as we walked throughout the city. The knowledge that our efforts were being acknowledged and having a beneficial influence on people’s lives was encouraging. On a chilly winter night, we once came across a big group of people who were snuggled together for warmth. We gave each of them supplies, and one woman gave me a bear hug in appreciation for our assistance. Giving food, water, and blankets to homeless people on several weekends was a rewarding and humbling experience. It made me reflect on the value of doing little deeds of kindness and the necessity of acting to assist those in need.

LO’s met :

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Through this phase, I acquired time management skills. A contribution drive coordination demands efficient time management. You may have developed your time management skills through this experience by juggling multiple projects, selecting priorities, and meeting deadlines. I also acquired problem-solving abilities. You may have had to use your creativity to solve unforeseen issues as a result of difficulties planning a contribution campaign. This can improve your ability to solve problems like not having enough time or not being able to assist beggars who live far away, among others.

LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Achieving Goals Starting a fundraising campaign requires setting a clear goal – identify the clothing and food items you intend to collect, identify beneficiaries, and specify the time frame for donation. We are spending some time and have goals like donating money to some investments.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I improved my teamwork abilities by coordinating efforts with volunteers, nearby companies, and community members while planning a fundraising drive. The importance of successful task delegation, communication, and teamwork cannot be overstated. I learned from this experience how important it is to actively listen and adjust to different viewpoints. The project was successful in part because of the logistics planning and making sure everyone felt appreciated. Overall, this project improved my ability to work with others, highlighting the impact we can have when we cooperate to reach a common objective.

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