Orgaizing Cricket Tournament ( CAS Project – Service)

As our CAS Project, me and a few of my friends decided to host a cricket tournament. This was a perfect opportunity for us to experience handling a project of such a scale with different types of skills into application. Our goal was to call the maximum number of teams into our tournament and earn the maximum amount of profit so that we could donate it as a service . 


This learning outcome was the base of our project. To plan this project was the key and our outcome depended on this planning. Hence me and other organizers sat together to plan everything . The entry fee , the cost , venue , rewards , dates , timings and rules . Such planning helped us have a clear vision and avoid confusion . 


As we were a trio working on this project it was important to work collaboratively and listen to the opinion of every single person . There were conflicts of opinion but that was a challenge in itself which we overcame . During the tournament and all the chaos also working as a team helped us to solve small issues occuring .


This tournament would never have been held if not for a social cause . In the end our goal to earn the maximum profit is to donate it all to charity . Every rupee we earn is going to help a person in need. In India poverty is a major crisis and hence if we can be of any help , we would contribute to some better lives . 


A project of a high scale needs to be conducted with utmost precision and hence every decision we made was reconsidered . While we were planning the tournament this learning outcome was crucial in order to make the right and the ethical decision and not one made in hurry . During the tournament as well we had to make some decisions which were important and were taken keeping in mind all the factors. 

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