Participating for Pi Day Celebration

I always had an intense curiosity for the subject mathematics and this allowed me to build my interests and an important effect on my ability to think critically. The mathematics facilitator team of the school were planning to celebrate Pi Day.  The Pi Day fair was organized with a number of stalls, each containing a wide range of entertaining and difficult games, puzzles, and interactives for the rest of the grade, in collaboration with members of the Pi Day Team and several volunteers. During the process of the Pi-Day the following LOs were catered: 

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. 

I came to the realization that my interest in mathematics was likely as an indicator for creativity which we could pitch to the volunteers, and therefore a strength of mine through the experience. However, I realized that this assignment would demand a lot of work that must be completed on schedule, putting my capacity for time management to the test, and that interpersonal and social abilities, which I could build, would also be essential.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I had to make multiple early-ins to school, which was difficult and challenging, and I frequently had to balance Pi Day preparations with school deadlines as well the preparation for the term end examination were also going parallelly. Due to the necessity of planning, I was able to acquire a number of time-management skills through this. I also had a very independent task that required creative thinking on my part, such as coming up with stall posters and suggesting a few interactive and appealing activities for the audience. It was initially difficult for me to try because it was difficult to think out of the box ideas which were also liked and appreciated by the audience, which helped me to hone my creative abilities. Additionally, this process also developed my communication skills. Moreover, in the process, it was mandatory to interact with the audience in order to have a successful event with a fruitful outcome. 

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

During the experience, there were a variety of resources and planning tools that were required.  I had a minutes of meeting sheet that I could use to think back to provide the best outcome as well as recall previous discussions that the team had, ensuring that I finished everything on time and produced high-quality results. A task sheet and a resource sheet helped me keep track of any tasks that needed to be done, their priority, and the deadline I set for finishing the set up and the planning to prepare a stall for Pi Day. Because of my preparation, I was able to successfully produce quality work for the CAS experience.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Studies and Pi Day had to be balanced as exams were approaching, which was difficult and occasionally stressful. As a result, at times considered leaving the Pi Day team so that I could have more free time, but I realized that this was the perfect chance for me and that I had volunteered for the team because of the passion and love towards the subject mathematics. I made the decision to stick with the tasks and carry out my duties as a Pi Day volunteer, and I worked with the group on organizing an excellent Pi Day event.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

To achieve results, collaboration and communication are crucial. If no one could work together and bring the pi day celebration that was intended from the beginning, our efforts would be considered for nothing. In order to finish our tasks, set up the stalls and ensure that they were successful, we needed the help of others. We supported and assisted one another.

In conclusion, I acquired a variety of social, time-management, and creative skills that improved my ability to think critically, maintain a Balance, be a better Thinker and develop the Communicator Learner Profile.

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