Diya painting and distributing among poor people

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Purchasing the diyas and painting them was an endeavor that presented several challenges. First, I had to locate disabled individuals who were willing to sell their diyas. This required extensive research and networking. Second, the actual painting process demanded patience, precision, and creativity. By overcoming these challenges, I developed essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, and artistic abilities.

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This CAS experience required showing great planning. I began by researching local organizations that supported disabled individuals and reached out to them to identify potential diya suppliers. Once I secured a source, I had to plan the painting process, gathering all the necessary materials and scheduling my time effectively. Initiating this project independently allowed me to take full responsibility for its success.

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Completing this experience demanded commitment and perseverance. Painting numerous diyas was time-consuming, and there were moments when I felt tempted to give up. However, my commitment to the cause and my determination to make a positive impact on the less fortunate kept me going. This experience reinforced the importance of dedication in achieving meaningful outcomes.

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Though I undertook this project alone, I did collaborate with disabled individuals during the sourcing phase. I learned to communicate effectively, show empathy, and value diverse perspectives. This experience helped me appreciate the benefits of collaboration even in individual endeavors.

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