
EcoVision is an organisation that aims to reduce plastic waste by promoting recycling. For this initiative, we have installed designated dustbins in various societies across our city in which only plastic waste will be disposed. Every week, the garbage collecting team will collect the waste from these bins and transport them to a site where the recycling happens.

LO4: For this to be approved in my society, I had to personally message the chairman of the society and explain the whole process to him. After some discussions and planning, this initiative was approved and the dustbin was ordered to be placed in my building. This took a healthy amount of explaining and convincing.

LO5: This is not an individual task, but a collaborative effort that requires the contribution of multiple people from the residents of our society to the garbage collecting team. Everyone needs to contribute by making an effort to separately dispose the plastic waste in the designated dustbin.

LO6: This issue is one of global significance as we are working towards achieving multiple SDGs including Climate Action, Life on Land, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Responsible Consumption and Production just to name a few. Hopefully this can be scaled further and everyone start to manage their waste by disposing them in separate bins and tying up with organisations such as EcoVision.

LO7: All of this is being done to achieve a cleaner and healthier planet. Our actions hold a lot of weight and importance in this world. Smaller steps lead to bigger changes.

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