Online course | Microsoft excel

Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software with a wide range of features. Starting from the basics, I learned how to create and format spreadsheets, enter data, and perform basic calculations using formulas and functions. As I progressed, l delve into data analysis with tools like PivotTables and charts, automate tasks with macros, and work with advanced functions.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was comfortable using a computer and had experience with other software, i found it easier to navigate Excel’s interface and use common functions. i was also familiar with how to make graph through tables and it functions and how to calculate some basic things like average, total and more from the formulas they had.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

when I moved on to intermediate Excel skills, which also included more complex formulas, data analysis techniques (e.g., pivot tables, charts), and data validation. i was not able to do that on one go and was facing numerous difficulties.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I had an specific and measurable goals for my Excel learning journey. For example, I had an aim to master basic functions, create complex spreadsheets, or use Excel for data analysis and how multiple functions work. i committed to regular practice. Dedicated a set amount of time each week to learning Excel, and stick to your schedule.


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