Box cricket (Project)

Along with a couple of my friends, I planned a cricket competition. I conducted the matches for the duration of the competition, ensuring that everything went as planned, dealing with any issues that came up, providing the players with feedback, and ensuring that the safety and health of everyone involved. In order to complete these tasks and overcome obstacles and adjust to shifting circumstances, I had to a certain extent use my ability to plan, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Along with overseeing the game, I had considered finding a sponsor and setting up the necessary resources, including food and water for the players’ hunger.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Nevertheless, it was difficult to manage a game, respond to inquiries between games, and deal with outside circumstances while games were in progress since there were so few individuals in charge of the remaining games in the tournament. As one of my abilities, I was able to make event arrangements including team distributions and ensuring that the participants receive their supplies, as well as put up equipment.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Last but not least, dealing with major issues that came up during and before the tournament, such as money or event-related problems, like the location of the tournament, which also help me to deal with this situation making my problem solving better. My communication skills, such as active listening and providing feedback to the players, were helped to improve by speaking with the participants occasionally.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

The event’s budget was prepared in advance, and depending on the number of attendees, we had paid for all necessary supplies, equipment, and fees. We also bought trophies for the winners and the runner up team and there was also a price pool of 1500 rupees to the winning team.All of the tournament’s preparations, including picking the sites, getting the required supplies and gear, hanging the event’s sponsor and organizing the teams’ schedules, were completed and prepared in advance to avoid problems.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

During the game, there were a few issues, including misunderstandings concerning runs, outs, and batting statistics. These issues were assisted by several outside volunteers who were there while the game was being conducted. Last but not least, throughout the tournament, as an managing team, I demonstrated consistency and attention to detail, demonstrating my commitment to the game.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

As there were 4 members of this project the work was also distributed to each and were to focus on that task and meant to complete the task before the tournament was and make sure everything is prepared for the participants and through this working collaboratively made us consume less time and make the organizing process better.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Allocate a portion of the tournament’s proceeds to a charitable organization that addresses global issues such as poverty alleviation, healthcare access, or education in underprivileged regions. This donation would help many people. Consider making our tournament Eco-friendly by promoting recycling, minimizing waste. this event to educate participants and spectators about the importance of sustainability and not throw empty water bottles away but throw them into the garbage bins.


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