ISSO tournament


The ISSO (International Student Sports Organization) basketball tournament was a watershed moment in my life. It gave me the opportunity to put my skills to the test on a global scale, and along the way, I learned a lot about myself. This blog will walk you through my experience and the profound impact it had on me as a person, athlete, and team player. We will look at my self-discovery, the challenges I faced, and the lessons I learned about the power of commitment, perseverance, and teamwork throughout this story.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Participating in the ISSO basketball tournament provided me with an exceptional opportunity to assess my strengths and weaknesses. While I discovered I had good ball-handling skills and could shoot accurately, I also realized I needed to work on my stamina and defense.

Being aware of my own strengths and weaknesses has given me power. I’m now more confident in my abilities and motivated to improve my weaknesses.

Understanding our own strengths and weaknesses is essential for personal development. It enables us to concentrate on areas that require improvement while effectively leveraging our strengths.

I worked hard to improve my stamina and defensive abilities. During one crucial match, our opponent’s strategy relied heavily on fast breaks, exposing my lack of stamina and defense. Overcoming this weakness would have benefited me by allowing me to contribute more effectively to the defense and overall success of the team.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The ISSO tournament presented numerous difficulties. One of the most difficult challenges was adjusting to different playing styles and strategies used by teams from various countries and Each team had a unique approach to the game, making it difficult to predict their moves and tactics. This required us to constantly adapt and strategize during matches.

While I had previously participated in local basketball tournaments, the international aspect of the ISSO tournament provided an entirely new and more difficult experience and We overcame this obstacle by analyzing our opponents, devising adaptable strategies, and improving our on-court communication. It was critical to learn to adapt quickly.

Taking on new challenges allows me to grow as a person. It boosts my confidence, promotes personal development, and provides me with useful life skills and Learning new skills is essential for personal growth and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. It broadens one’s horizons and opens up new opportunities.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The tournament required a high level of commitment and perseverance because it involved long hours of practice, physical exertion, and dedication. At times, it was physically demanding and mentally draining, but the commitment and perseverance were necessary to succeed. Attending regular practices, staying physically fit, and devoting time to strategize and bond with the team were all part of the commitment.

Commitment and perseverance have always been important values for me, but the tournament reinforced their significance. These qualities are essential not only for success in basketball tounament but also in life. They help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working with others has generally been easy for me because I value teamwork and enjoy collaborating with diverse individuals. Working with others was relatively easy during the ISSO basketball tournament due to our team’s strong camaraderie and effective communication.

Our game at the ISSO tournament was entirely dependent on teamwork. We were able to coordinate our efforts, adapt to different opponents, and maximize our performance on the court thanks to effective teamwork. The team’s leadership ensured that everyone played to their strengths and contributed effectively.


To summarize, my journey to the ISSO basketball tournament was an adventure that went beyond the realms of sport. It was a journey of self-discovery, personal development, and the realization of the immense value of teamwork and perseverance. This experience helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, hone my skills, and accept the challenges that came my way. As I reflect on this transformative journey, I am filled with pride and gratitude. The lessons I’ve learned and the qualities I’ve developed will serve as a guidepost for the rest of my life. This experience has reinforced my belief that growth occurs when we step outside of our comfort zones, face challenges head on, and collaborate to achieve a common goal. It’s not just about the victories on the court; it’s about the victories within ourselves.

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