NGO (tagshakti)

This was an NGO which worked for female empowerment in the society. The main goal was to create awareness in the society for treating women equally through talking about the taboos related to females in the society. Few of the activities which were done in the organization were speaking about menstruation, giving real life examples about the first women/ females in the country, how they made us feel proud about our country, etc.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. This was done by dividing different responsibilities to each group member according to their strengths such as thinking creative ideas for spreading awareness, one seeking for permissions for the location availability, some arranging for resources to give (food, stationary, gifts) etc.

LO2: Demonstrating that challenges had been undertaken and developing new skills in the process. This was achieved while in the process of spreading/ creating awareness in the society where the individuals in the society had orthodox thinking, making them understand the importance of all genders even the lgbtq+ community and that treating everybody equally is very important for the growth of the society. At the same time, issuing permissions from the authority was a bit challenging as we even enlightened the underprivileged local school girls in a village about the taboo that the society has created for the concept of menstruation and then distributed them sustainable reusable sanitary napkins and a hygiene kit to each female teen studying in that school.

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