Rotary club

Engaging in this CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) experience will contribute to the development of several learner profile attributes, primarily those associated with being an Inquirer and a Caring individual

My Rotary Club CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) experience was a transformative journey that enabled me to actively contribute to the well-being of our community. Our primary goal was to promote awareness about hygiene habits and access to clean water, both of which are critical for better health and living situations. I was able to make a significant effect while acquiring vital life skills through a range of programs and events.

Before beginning this CAS project, I collaborated with the Rotary Club team to define our aims and objectives. We wanted to educate people in our community about the importance of maintaining good hygiene and having access to clean water, especially in underserved areas. To ensure a well-rounded approach, we planned a range of activities, workshops, and awareness campaigns.

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

1. Collaboration and Teamwork (LO5): Collaboration was at the heart of this experience. I worked alongside fellow students, Rotary Club volunteers, and community members to plan and execute the hygiene and clean water awareness campaign. We divided tasks efficiently, utilized each team member’s strengths, and maintained open communication throughout the project.

Learning Outcome 6: Engage with issues of global significance.

2. Engagement with Global Issues (LO6): The initiative focused on tackling global concerns connected to cleanliness and clean water. We investigated and debated the frightening data about the lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitation in many parts of the world. We discovered the problem’s broader consequences, such as its influence on health, education, and poverty, which emphasized the importance of our effort.

Learning Outcome 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

3. Public Awareness Campaign (LO7): One of the ethical considerations we faced was the need to promote awareness without perpetuating stereotypes or misconceptions about communities facing water and sanitation challenges. We carefully crafted our messaging to emphasize the importance of empathy and cultural sensitivity. We also encouraged open dialogue within our team about our role as outsiders in addressing these issues.


This CAS experience deepened my understanding of the power of collaboration, the importance of addressing global issues, and the ethical considerations inherent in service work. It reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact in my community and the world at large. I realized that even small actions can contribute to significant change when driven by a collective effort.

Through this experience, I not only gained practical skills in organizing campaigns and workshops but also developed a greater appreciation for the complex and multifaceted nature of global issues. I now approach such challenges with a more critical and empathetic perspective, always considering the ethics of my choices and actions.


Participating in the Rotary Club’s hygiene and clean water awareness campaign was a life-changing event. It allowed me to grow personally, socially, and ethically while actively contributing to a worldwide cause. I am appreciative for the opportunity and look forward to continuing my service and global awareness efforts.


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