Creative Mela

I got the chance to participate in the CAS programme as an IB Diploma programme participant. One of my favourite memories is taking part in the Creative Mela, where I ran a booth where I showed children how to make bags out of used garments. I was able to gain a variety of abilities and information from this event that are in line with CAS Learning Outcomes (LO) 1, 2, 4, and 5.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

One of the most important lessons I took away from my time at the Creative Mela was how to recognise my own areas of strength and development. I had some sewing and crafts skills before the event, but I had never shown someone else how to construct a bag. I was able to hone my teaching techniques and discover how to concisely communicate the steps to children of all ages through trial and error. I was able to identify my own patience and flexibility capabilities as well as places for improvement in my communication and teaching abilities thanks to this experience.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

It was undoubtedly difficult for me to participate in the Creative Mela, but I also had the chance to learn new abilities. I had to set up my stall, arrange the materials, market my activity to draw participation, and teach the children how to make bags. I learned new sewing and crafts techniques, as well as event organising and marketing, through this experience. Overcoming these obstacles and learning new abilities was a fulfilling experience that aided in my personal development.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The value of dedication and persistence was among the most crucial lessons I took away from my time at the Creative Mela. I dedicated a lot of effort to preparing my materials and honing my teaching techniques in the weeks before the event. On the day of the event, I was required to spend a number of hours at my booth teaching and socialising with the children that stopped by. By this experience, I discovered how to maintain commitment to my objective in the face of unforeseen difficulties or impediments.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Last but not least, the Creative Mela gave me a great chance to hone my teamwork abilities. Along with parents and other volunteers who assisted in the event’s planning, I got the opportunity to collaborate with other students who were taking part in it as well. I gained valuable interpersonal skills from this experience, including how to share ideas with others and collaborate to accomplish a common objective. I was also aware of the advantages of teamwork, such as the capacity to learn from others, take advantage of their abilities, and forge enduring connections.

In conclusion, the Creative Mela experience was an important element of my CAS programme since it helped me gain a variety of abilities and information that are in line with CAS Learning Objectives 1, 2, 4, and 5. I was able to pinpoint my own advantages and room for improvement, learn new things, show dedication and endurance, and work cooperatively with others as a result of this experience. I’m eager to carry on with my CAS journey and expand on the abilities and knowledge I acquired through this one.

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