Gaming tournament-CAS project

This was a gaming tournament that was held in between 22 and 24 september. In this 2 games were selected out of the original 4 games chosen by the people who wanted to participate, those 2 games were valorant and call of duty mobile. In this we collected 100 rupees from each of the individual players who wanted to participate and in the end we gave some chunk of the money to the winners and the rest of the money was donated to the smile foundation, All of the money that was left after all the winners were given their amount was then donated to the smile foundation that had been chosen by us.

I had always been very interested in video games and played a lot of them when I was young, But I was never able to turn this passion of mine into something good that can help the community and I can give the community back. So me and some of my friends planned this gaming tournament for a long time. This tournament had brought a lot of joy and fun to all of my peers and made it possible to donate to the smile foundation and give some people some good health care and quality education.

LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.)

There were many challenges amongst the road such as we had not a lot of time to plan out this CAS project properly due to our busy schedule and all the deadlines crippling up but still we managed to complete and were able to plan it out properly. Then when the tournament had started, managing a lot of students was also a very tiring task as there were a lot of students that were harassing or trolling us and sometimes a lot of students came together creating a big confusion on whose match is going to happen next. Then we also had to vigilant of any hackers who could potentially ruin others experience, That too was extremely exhaustfull. Another thing with all of this that was a challenge was that if someone doesn’t arrive to play the game then us organizers had to participate in the game. All of these challenges were really difficult for us 4 organizers but we were able to overcome these and were able to develop some valuable skills like planning skills, organising, decision making and others.

LO3 – (Initiate and plan a CAS experience.)

All of the different roles were distributed amongst us like one of my friend handled the technical side of this project. Then my other friend had to research about the NGO we are going to donate to and which games the students would be most attracted to, while my roles was of providing the information of the tournament to all the students from grade 9th till 12th and also I cleared all the doubts of all the students who wanted to participate. Then my other role was to be an observer in the tournament to check for any hackers, teaming or other activities that can get them banned. My last role was to be a backup player for a team whose teammate didn’t show up at the tournament to balance out and make the game fair with everyone having the same satisfaction and joy of participating in the tournament. some roles like this were used to plan and initiate our project with less friction amongst us organizers and with the students.

LO5 – (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.)

As I have said earlier that this CAS project was made possible with me and some of my friends. Without them this CAS project wouldn’t be a possibility as I have different skills and they contain some skills that we don’t have but is very useful for our project like my skills are that I am good at gaming and can be a huge help to all my friends, If some team’s teammate doesn’t show up I can be a huge help to the team and can easily relive my project team. Then one of my friends can easily handle the technical side and is a huge pillar for our project. This are some benefits of using each other’s useful skills at our advantage and this stops at second point as we using our skills was made possible because we worked collaboratively being a support pillar for each other and filling each other weak points. Working collaboratively can have some highly positive impacts as more manpower can make the project work better with lesser issues in our planning.

LO6 – (Engagement with issues of global significance.)

The main reason for choosing the smile foundation is that all organizers decided after one of my friends short listed different NGOs for us we come to a conclusion of donating to smile foundation because all of us agreed to donate to the quality education and good health and well being NGO and smile foundation worked on both of these NGOs with other one such as reducing inequality and other’s. This donation might just give some people a smile on their face.

This tournament had brought a lot of joy and fun to all of my peers and made it possible to donate to the smile foundation and give some people some good health care and quality education. This experience was not only valuable but also full of memories and joy. In the end all the students with my peers and friends were all happy with how this project turned out.

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