Junior MBA Digital Marketing

This is a 2-week course which I had completed offered by Clever Hervey with PUMA. During this course, i was able to conceptualize the aspects of marketing and even got the opportunity to create a social media campaign for PUMA. Through this summer experience, I was able to improve my problem-solving and communication abilities, turning me into a marketing expounded and helping me gain a glimpse of what it is like in the marketing landscape of the business.

What I really enjoyed was how the course had set a strong focus on practical context. It has been tremendously satisfying to be able to use what I’ve learned right away on a project as interesting as a PUMA social media campaign. What I have come to understand is that marketing is about more than just the products; it’s all about what the customers want!

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

I encountered many difficulties when learning about digital marketing and developing campaigns throughout the training for example I struggled with pressed deadlines, creative blockades, and the burden of producing a top-notch marketing campaign. To overcome this, I consistently pushed myself to learn new things and apply them to actual situations, through social media marketing I was able to evaluate consumer behavior. In addition to broadening my skill set, this experience gave me the chance to show that I can overcome obstacles in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I was shown commitment throughout this course, as was one of my ambitions to learn about businesses,. Despite the burden i had faced, I was still committed to the project and put more time ahead of the required time and energy into making it a success. This encounter strengthened my resolve to accomplish my objectives.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

The ethical considerations are crucial in the field of digital marketing. I gained awareness of the ethical considerations of various marketing tactics and decisions during the course, where to implement them, and how to do them correctly. I became more aware of the possible effects that marketing initiatives could have on customers and society at large.

Overall, this helped me to learn new skills, and gain i large understand of marketing, and it had a good understanding of the ethics underlying marketing decisions and actions. In addition to broadening my knowledge, this course has helped me develop as a more competent and morally responsible marketer

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