Sharhead Host

I took part in an activity called “Sharkhead” for the CAS component of the IBDP, which focused on speaking on stage to introduce small business teams to a huge audience. This exercise gave me the chance to enhance my creativity, physical fitness, and sense of responsibility, as well as to fulfil a number of the learning outcomes for the CAS programme (LOs).

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I had to assess both my speaking abilities’ strengths and potential for improvement in order to prepare for my speech. I realised that while I had good research and organising abilities, my delivery and on-stage presence still needed improvement. I was able to concentrate my efforts on enhancing both the content and performance of my public speaking by recognising these areas for improvement.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

It was a big challenge for me to speak on stage in front of so many people, but it was also a chance for me to learn new things. I learnt how to captivate an audience and keep their attention in addition to honing my public speaking abilities. After presenting my speech with success, I felt more assured in my public speaking skills and proud of myself.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

I also had to work cooperatively with my team to get ready for the Sharkhead event. To make sure that each of our speeches was in line with the main point we wanted to make, we had to work together. Together, we were able to produce a presentation that was well-rounded and effective while highlighting the advantages of our small business teams.

In conclusion, the Sharkhead activity gave me the chance to hone my public speaking abilities, boost my self-assurance, and cooperate with a team. I was able to accomplish a number of the learning outcomes for the CAS programme through this exercise, including determining my areas of strength and development, acquiring new abilities, and realising the advantages of teamwork. These abilities and experiences, in my opinion, will be very helpful to me as I continue to work for my academic and professional objectives.

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