Nature Camp

I’d want to discuss my involvement in a CAS project that was centred on learning objectives 1, 2, and 4. The initiative gave us the chance to explore nature with friends and test our boundaries by trekking and caving in the Abu mountain range.

Finding our strengths and developing opportunities for improvement was the emphasis of learning outcome number 1. I was eager to push myself and beyond my comfort zone because I had never been on a hiking or caving excursion before. I discovered how to face my concerns and have faith in my own talents during the journey. Along with learning how to handle difficult terrain, I also learned how to work cooperatively with my friends to ensure everyone’s safety.

Learning objective 2 concentrated on acquiring new skills and enhancing those already in place. I developed new abilities while on the trip, including map reading, orienteering, and teamwork. Through climbing and hiking, I was able to increase both my physical stamina and fitness. These abilities have made me a more well-rounded person and will be helpful in my future undertakings.

The 4 and final learning objective was to show dedication and endurance. Physically taxing hobbies like hiking and caving involve a lot of mental and physical fortitude. The tough terrain and potential for coming across wild bears kept me on my toes the entire journey. Yet I persisted, and with the help of my friends, I managed to finish the journey. This experience has strengthened my resolve and taught me the value of perseverance and hard work.

In summary, the hiking and caving expedition to Abu Mountain was an exhilarating and fulfilling experience that enabled me to gain new skills, push my limits, and toughen up. With this trip, I was able to discover my strengths and places for improvement, pick up new talents, and show dedication and tenacity. I’m appreciative that I had the chance to work on this project, and I’m eager to keep challenging myself in the future.

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