Beach Cleaning

I want to discuss my experience doing a CAS experience which focuses on learning outcomes 3, 6, and 7. My friends and I cleaned up the Dumas Beach alongside the Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC).

To begin with, learning outcome 3 focused on demonstrating the abilities and advantages of teamwork. We worked together with the SMC throughout the project, and they were in charge of giving us the tools we required. We collaborated with more volunteers who had joined us in our beach cleanup operations. We were able to accomplish more together than we could have done on our own. I realised how fun and fast the activity was done when doing it with my friends.

The goal of learning outcome number 6 was to demonstrate global citizenship by advancing society. We wanted our effort to have a good effect on the environment and to encourage sustainable behaviours. In order to lessen the quantity of trash that enters the water, which might endanger marine life and ruin the ecology, we cleaned up the beach. We also sought to urge individuals to accept responsibility for their acts by increasing awareness of the negative effects of littering.

Understanding and taking into account the ethics of our decisions and behaviours was the emphasis of learning outcome number seven. We had to make moral choices during the endeavour regarding how to get rid of the rubbish we gathered. We made certain that all waste was properly disposed of, and we collaborated with the SMC to make sure that waste was recycled whenever possible. When cleaning up the beach, we also took care to protect the ecology.

Finally it was a great experience and a great activity in terms of advancing environmental sustainability. We were able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time because to our cooperation with the SMC and volunteers from all over my school. We were able to improve and clean the environment. I am feel really happy for the chance to have contributed to society’s sustainability  through this initiative, which has been a wonderful contribution to my professional and personal growth.

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