Global Odysee

I took part in Global Odyssey as part of my CAS experience, which was an occasion designed to unite individuals from various cultural backgrounds and highlight the variety in our neighbourhood. I had a booth where I sold French toast and chocolate fondue, two well-liked foods. We were able to make 3600 rupees in revenue, but our expenses were 5600 rupees. I’ll discuss how this event connects to the LOs of CAS in this blog article.

Learning Outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was able to recognise my areas of strength and development while operating the stall. I discovered that I have strong interpersonal and communication abilities, which enabled me to interact with consumers and close transactions. But I also understood that in order to prevent our spending from going above our income, I needed to improve my money management abilities.

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

We had to plan the stall by taking into account a number of things, including the cost of the ingredients, the equipment required, and the price we would charge for our goods. We also needed to consider marketing plans to draw clients to our stall. Through doing this, I gained knowledge of how to start and organise a CAS experience from beginning to end.

Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the issues we experienced was managing our time appropriately. In addition to managing our time at the event to make sure we didn’t run out of product, we had to make sure we arrived early to set up the stand and prepare the food. I gained new time-management techniques and understood the value of planning ahead as a result.

Learning Outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Operating the stall needed us to be dedicated and persistent despite the difficulties we encountered. We had to put in a lot of overtime, cope with unforeseen circumstances like a lack of ingredients, and successfully manage our funds. Notwithstanding these difficulties, we stayed dedicated to achieving our objectives of turning a profit and giving our customers scrumptious cuisine.

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

It need a team to operate the stall, so we had to cooperate to make it successful. Based on our own strengths, we assigned jobs to one another and collaborated to effectively run the stall. As a result, we realised the advantages of teamwork, including increased effectiveness and superior results.

In conclusion, running a stall at Global Odyssey was a valuable experience that allowed me to develop various skills and demonstrate the LOs of CAS. It taught me the importance of financial management, planning ahead, time management, commitment, perseverance, and collaboration. I look forward to applying these skills in future CAS experiences and beyond.

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