
Ultimate frisbee is a sport that is played in coutries like USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, Malaysia, India, and many more. It is a sport that is recently been recognised and got some valued attention. I’ve been interested in this sport for a few years now. I am a part of our school team Sacred Disc. We have been part of many tournaments that include interschool mixed tournaments, single gender tournament, mixed regionals, mixed sectionals, nationals, etc. Our team also got the opportunity to represent team India for a juniors championship that took place in malaysia.

The LOs that were covered are as followed:

LO2- “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills”

Initially, I had zero knowledge about the sport. It was a challenge for me to learn a completely new sport and also do significantly good alongside. Eventually, I started to learn about the plays that are used in the game. The friendly nature of the sport helped me learn the strategies in an easy manner. It helped me ace the knowledge of rules and hand signals that are used during the game. This way I developed a new skill in the sport.

LO5- “Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively”

One of the core principles of ultimate frisbee is its reliance on collaboration. It’s not just about individual skill; it’s about how seamlessly a team works together. Our ability to practice as a team, absorb lessons from setbacks, and celebrate wins as a cohesive unit was what made us successful. Knowing how to best utilize the individual strengths that each player brought to the field was essential to our success.Through this collaborative environment, I learned the true power of teamwork and the incredible things that can be achieved when everyone works toward a shared goal.

LO7- “Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions”

While playing any sport, there are a few rules and morals that are followed. Ultimate frisbee is a team sport that is based on spirit, fair play and treating both genders equally. Apart from winning, having respect for our opponents, having a civil match, peacfully resolving conflits and obeying the rules are also equally important. At the end of each game, we have a spirit circle where both teams sit together and discuss what went wrong and appreciate things they like. This makes the discussion fruitfull where the team gets feedback to work upon and also are aware of their strengths.

Overall, I’ve seen significant improvement in our team as a whole and as well as in me as a player. I will always cherrish this skill and improve more so that I can achieve more.