Cultural Capsule is a student initiated club that focuses on reliving cultural traditions. I was a volunteer in one of their drives to underprivileged schools and orphanages. We played several traditional games like making paper plate rangoli, lanterns and also read multiple books to spread awareness. This experience was really heartwarming because I could see the smile on every kid’s face.
The LOs that were covered are as followed:
LO4- “Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience”
Me being an older sister of my house, taking care of my younger siblings becomes an implied duty. Looking at the kids at the orphanage I got really emotional. This is why I was determined to give my best in this drive. The hardwork that was put into the preperations, managing children at the age of 17, it was all very difficult. However, it was all worth it when even one of those kids used to smile. Knowing that I was the reason behind their smiles, it encouraged me to work more and give out to the community.
LO5- “Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively”
I was grouped up with a few of my classmates and we worked collaboratively together during the drive. Working together on such an issue helped up break the bridge that was between the kids and us. Sitting there with my friends made us reflect on ourselves as well and create a deeper bonding. This made us realise that we are so blessed and privileged.
LO6- “Engagement with issues of global significance”
Poverty is a concerning issue which hasn’t reached to a definite solution yet. Due to this, many children do not have access to quality education. This leads to consequences like child labor and death at extreme circumstances. With the help of cultural capsule, I was able to reach out to underprivileged children and provide them with a little knowledge. It wasn’t a permanent solution but spending time with those children, teaching them different crafts and indian values brought a smile to their faces.
All in all, this CAS experience was very enriching and benefitial for both, the kids and myself. I learned that there is another side to this world apart from the materialism and technology.