Global Odyssey 2023 (CAS Project)

Global Odyssey is a event that focuses on putting business management and economics skills to real life. It allows us students to apply concepts like profit optimization, pricing strategies, demand and supply dynamics, and marketing techniques. The event included stalls of food, fashion, and fun games. I was honored to be a part of the core committee who organised the event. A wide range of people, including teachers and students from grades 7 to grade 12, attended the event. My role was one of the decor heads of this event. I was given the opportunity to put my creative skills to use. Altogether, it made the event a huge success.

The LOs that were covered are as followed:

LO3- “Initiate and plan a CAS experience”

I was given the liberty to lead a decor team. Me and 2 other friends of mine, planned the whole decor, made a few changes and worked with the rest of our team very smoothly. There were a few ups and downs that came in our way. However, eliminating all of them, I was able to show great leadership skills and creativity into the project.

LO4- “Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience”

Given the change to plan the decor of the event, I was determined to make it the best and one of it’s kind. We planned the event for nearly a month and a half. We decided the theme to be boho since it was outdoors and would give a breeze vibe to the audience which was perfect. Due to the event clashing with other events in the school, the dates kept shifting a lot which made us loose our minds. Yet we were able to reach to a final decision and complete all our work before time. People loved the food, fashion things and fun games which in the end, made it all worth it.

LO5- “Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively”

Being a decor head, there were many people that were volunteering under me. There were 2 other decor heads as well. Having a huge team helped us generating unique ideas and execute them really well. I was able to coordinate with other 2 decor heads really well and we had a lot of matching ideas. We were really excited for the event since we got the chance to make it our own.

All in all, when the event day arrived, looking at all our decor on set and seeing everything executing really well, it made the event a success and all efforts were beneficial. This was a memorable event.