Cubelo Speed Cubing

Millions of people worldwide participate in the widely recognized sport of speed cubing. I’ve always found the sport fascinating because I think it takes a lot of mental agility and coordination to solve the cube quickly. Recently, one of my friends made the decision to hold a speed cubing competition in Surat, inviting participants from all over the city. I did various roles, such as running, judging, and other tasks. Those who applied came to this official event and provided their best time to solve the Rubik’s cube.

The LOs that were covered are as followed:

LO2- “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills”

I have never understood how to solve a rubik’s cube. Yet I had to perform the role of judging a few times. It was extremely challenging for me since I had no idea what to do and how these things even work. My friend who organised the event helped me understanding the flow of the event and teach me the role of judging and running. He also taught me how to solve a 3×3 rubik’s cube. I overcame these challenges and also developed a new skill of solving a rubik’s cube.

LO5- “Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively”

The whole flow of the event depended on working together. The cube would go from the scramblers to the judge to the contestant and then back to the scrambler. The transfer was made by the people who were assigned in running. If one people did any delay, the whole event would face a small delay. This showed me the importance of collaborating efficiently with my friends and learn how to run an event.

LO7- “Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions”

Running in a speed cube contest means providing each contestant with their set of jumbled cubes and taking back their solved one. Judging is where you instruct the contestant when to start and stop. You note down their timing and be fair to all. Both the jobs required honesty and no sort of cheating. The people assigned to running can not expose the cube to the contestant, they have to keep it hidden. The judge should also be impartial and not make any errors. I made sure of my role in both of these tasks and ensure that I was ethically right.

Overall, this volunteering showed me the passion people have in speed cubing. It also explained me the importance of being fair.