Entrepreneurship course with Clever Harvey

Entrepreneurship is an essential aspect of modern-day business, and it is vital for anyone who intends to venture into business to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. This course helps me develop critical thinking skills. The course teaches how to assess business opportunities and come up with strategies to capitalize on them. How one must be able to think critically and creatively to solve problems and make sound business decisions. This course includes of working in a team and coming with our own startup idea. It includes planning, decision making and working collaboratively. It will prosper my skills as an entrepreneur and help me futher in the future when I start my own firm. Throughout the course, I’ll be working on my own business idea which at the end of the course, will be presented as a mini shark-tank pitch to Multiply Ventures.

The LOs that were covered are as followed:

LO1- “Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth”

The course made me realise that entrepreneurship is really simple. Initially it sounded like a challenge to me because I am not good in the business world. However, this course made me realise that starting up your own venture is really easy and it doesn’t take rocket science to do it. The course helped me realise my strength in planning and executing. The course taught me how to create your own venture, basic steps of being an entrepreneur, how to make a business model, customer profile, value proposition and many other topics.

LO3- “Initiate and plan a CAS experience”

During the course, I was the one who came up with virtufy. With the help of my teammates, I was able to put it to shape and bring it to life. The whole 3 weeks, we planned an outline of how our app/website should look like. This includes rigourous research, efforts and coming up with fresh new ideas. In the end, we were able to present our final pitch which showed all our hardwork and commitment to the project.

LO6- “Engagement with issues of global significance”

Within this 3 weeks of the course, we were put into groups and were supposed to create our own business proposal idea. During this time, our group focused on how could we make our idea sustainable. How we can use less resources and generate minimal waste. This is when our concept of ‘Virtufy’ came into picture. Virtufy is an app that focuses on online interior designing where you can customise your interior without the use of any tangible products. And only when you’re confident and confirmed about your interior, it will suggest you near by places where you can find it and at a affordable price. It also suggests you sustainable materials that can be used which reduces carbon emissions and waste that is generated in this field.

LO7- “Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions”

Every profession has a few morals and ethics that they look into. While creating the business idea, me and my teammates made sure that whatever we’re doing is in the best interest of our clientele and it doesn’t harm a significant other. We created a few basic moral grounds on which we would like to work on. This made us not cross any lines and learn to work in a professional manner.

All in all, I loved this experience because it made me realise how I can make use of my interests and hobbies and turn it into a business model. This course helped me learn entrepreneurship in simpler terms.