Trekking at Mount Abu

Mount Abu is one of India’s greatest tourist sites and is known for it’s bewitching beauty. When I heard I have the opportunity to go there with my friends, I just couldn’t wait for that day. The trip was not only the most awaited one but also adventerous and memorable. During the trip I encountered many activities which include cave walking, trekking, rock climbing and rappelling. This trip made me realise how fun nature and adventures can be aside from the city life.

The LOs that were covered are as followed:

LO1- “Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth”

I identified that one of my strengths is doing adventerous activities. I enjoy going on hikes and treks because it is good for my health. It gives me the opportunity to explore nature and connect with it. It helps me get rid of my electronic devices and take care of my mental and spiritual wellbeing. It also helps me grow into doing such activities more often.

LO2- “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills”

I love going on adventures and challenging myself to try new things. During one of the treks, we had to visit the golden horn. It is a beautiful place that is at a very high altitude where we had to reach by trekking. I have a phobia of heights, I am extremely afraid of even small heights. So visiting this golden horn was a big challenge for me. At the end of the trek there was a view point which was very narrow and dangerous. It was easily near at the height of 1500-2000 feet.

LO4- “Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience”

While visiting the golden horn, I wanted to give up several times. The peak point was so dangerous that it gave me goosebumps and I started to feel nauseous. Yet, I did not give up and performed my best reaching the peak point and was successful in doing that. I was determined towards going there and fully committed myself to it until I did reach there.

In a nutshell, this trek made my trip to Mount Abu memorable. I got to spend time with my friends and do a quick self reflection during the journey. There were countless memories made which made this trip unforgettable.