Community Service

We used our knowledge to educate the students about unfamiliar notions. Each Student invested significant time in preparing and executing the trials flawlessly, assuring that the students could progress as much as possible in their limited time on the school premises. The positive results of our service were evident in the student’s success in their trials and their improved understanding of scientific concepts. The science trials allowed us to contribute to the student’s academic development while utilizing our abilities and understanding. It was a rewarding experience that allowed us to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the children we served.

There were multiple Los considered,

L01:- In the community service project, I had the opportunity to identify my strengths and areas for growth. One of my strengths was my ability to design and execute a science project that allowed students to engage in participatory science and gain unique knowledge. However, I also realized that I need to improve my communication skills, especially when teaching students whose mother tongue is different from mine. It was challenging to communicate complex scientific concepts effectively, and I need to work on simplifying my language and using visual aids to enhance their understanding. Overall, this experience helped me understand my strengths and areas for growth and motivated me to continue to develop my skills as a community service volunteer.

L02: Undertaking the community service project, we faced challenges in communicating with the students whose mother tongue was different from ours. However, we persevered and used creative teaching methods to make the science project accessible to them. Through our efforts, we not only taught them the science behind the DIY project but also allowed them to gain unique knowledge using participatory science that was not available to them in their government school. As a result, we developed new skills such as cross-cultural communication and creative teaching methods, which will benefit us in future endeavours.

L03:- For my community service CAS experience, I initiated and planned a science project where we taught students a DIY project and the science behind it. Our goal was to provide these students with a unique and interactive learning experience that they may not have access to in their government school. However, the challenge we faced was the language barrier, as their mother tongue was different from ours. Despite this challenge, we were determined to communicate effectively and ensure the students gained valuable knowledge through participatory science.

LO4: In my community service project, I took on the challenge of organizing a science project. We taught a small DIY project that had a science component to it. It was a three-week-long project, and it was not without its challenges. However, I was committed to seeing it through and ensuring its success. Despite some setbacks and obstacles, I persevered and worked hard to make sure everything was organized and executed properly. Seeing the students’ faces light up as they learned new things was incredibly rewarding, and it made all the hard work and dedication worth it in the end.

L05:- Working collaboratively on the community service project was incredibly beneficial. By planning and executing the science project with fellow students, we were able to divide tasks, share ideas, and brainstorm solutions to challenges we encountered. This allowed us to create a comprehensive program that successfully taught small DIY projects and science concepts to participants over the course of three weeks. Working collaboratively not only enhanced our teamwork and communication skills but also increased the overall impact of the project. The success of the project was a testament to the benefits of working together towards a common goal.

L06:- Our community service project involved teaching underprivileged children about the science behind the DIY projects they were creating. My classmates and I assisted the children in completing their projects while explaining the scientific principles involved. It was a fulfilling experience to see the children’s faces light up with excitement and understanding as they completed their projects. By engaging with the community and promoting scientific education, we were able to make a positive impact on the lives of those we served.

L07:- During my community service, I was very mindful of recognizing and considering the ethics of my choices and actions. It was important to me that I conducted myself in a way that was morally sound and respectful to those I was serving. I made sure to be transparent in my intentions and actions and to always consider the impact of my decisions on the community. This allowed me to build trust and establish a positive relationship with those I was serving while also making a meaningful contribution to their wellbeing.

Overall, the experience of teaching underprivileged children about science was a rewarding one. It allowed me to give back to society, learn new skills, and make a positive impact on children’s lives.



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