Table Tennis (Activity)

During the past 6 months, I have been practicing table tennis three times a week as part of my CAS activities. This experience has allowed me to develop a range of skills and has enabled me to achieve the following learning outcomes:

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Through regular table tennis practice, I have become more aware of my strengths and areas for growth. I have discovered that I am particularly skilled at executing forehand shots with power and accuracy. However, I have also realized that my backhand shots need more work, and I am actively working on improving this area of my game. Through this experience, I have learned the importance of acknowledging both my strengths and weaknesses and using this awareness to continually improve my performance.

LO-2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Through regular practice, I have developed new skills in table tennis, including improved footwork, better control of my shots, and a greater ability to anticipate my opponent’s moves. These new skills have not only improved my performance in table tennis but have also translated into other areas of my life. I have learned the importance of being open to learning new skills and the impact this can have on personal growth.

LO-5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Table tennis is often played in pairs or teams, and through my practice, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with others. I have learned the importance of effective communication and teamwork to achieve a common goal. Through this experience, I have also developed a greater appreciation for the diverse skills and perspectives that each individual brings to a team.

Practicing table tennis consistently can demonstrate various attributes of the IB learner profile.

  1. Balanced – Practicing table tennis consistently requires discipline, time management, and dedication. This demonstrates the attribute of being balanced as the individual is able to balance their academic workload, personal life, and extracurricular activities.
  2. Inquirer – Consistently practicing table tennis requires an individual to inquire about different techniques, strategies, and rules of the game to improve their skills. This demonstrates the attribute of being an inquirer as the individual seeks to understand and gain knowledge about the game.
  3. Reflective – Consistently practicing table tennis allows an individual to reflect on their performance, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for future games. This demonstrates the attribute of being reflective as the individual is able to reflect on their experiences and learn from them.

In conclusion, practicing table tennis three times a week for six months has been a valuable experience that has allowed me to achieve a range of learning outcomes. I have developed a greater awareness of my strengths and areas for growth, acquired new skills, and collaborated effectively with others. I am excited to continue practicing and building on these achievements in the future.


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