Learning classical dance

Dancing has always been my passion and it helps me grow mentally and physically both. Physically it improves agility, flexibility, balance, coordination and cardiovascular health. Exercise, in form of dancing, can help with symptoms of depression and anxiety by releasing certain chemicals in our brain. It also provides a way to escape repetitive negative thoughts and worries. This experience will help me develop upon my affective skills. I have completed 5 years of classical dance but left it due to studies. But now I would also complete the remaining years of bharatnatyam also. Dancing may be a source of happiness and self-expression as well as a fun method to fit fitness into your routine. I enrolled in a one year, three-hour per week dancing class to include exercise and acquire a new skill. I was able to learn a new art form and boost my physical and emotional health by taking this programme.

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Through this experience, I was able to pinpoint my talents, which included my ability to rapidly take up the choreography and match the steps to the beat. I think my weaknesses are step clarity, flexibility, and memorization of the dance. Understanding these areas of weakness enables me to come up with solutions. For example, being more alert and focused in class would have improved my memory of the choreography, which in turn would have allowed me to concentrate on the clarity of my steps rather than on remembering what step comes next.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
The difficulty I had in this experience was that, because it was a brand-new form, it was initially challenging for me to recall the steps until the following day. It was challenging to learn the dance in such a short amount of time, despite the fact that my aptitude for taking up choreography allowed me to catch up. Despite the fact that I was unable to solve this barrier, I now see that additional practise at home would have helped.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
My lack of prior dance training and the slow pace at which I learned it made it difficult for me to stay committed, which occasionally resulted in disappointment and a loss of interest. Although one year is a long time to dedicate to learning a new talent, it was ultimately a rewarding experience. However, I remained devoted and persistent all the way through, attending all of the classes.

With this experience, I will be attaining to the learner profile balanced. This experience helps me balance different aspects of my life like physical and emotional, and to achieve appropriate well-being for myself.




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