Teaching Table-Tennis to underprivileged children

I have been playing Table -Tennis since I was 10 professionally and this sport is the “happyplace” for me. So, it came up to my mind to use my strengths and talent to teach the children of the security guards and staffs that are living in my society so that they could learn something new and would enjoy a lot playing this sport. I took this as an opportunity as there is already an NGO running in my society which takes the responsibility to teach and make them learn new things everyday so I could tie up with them to I could share my knowledge on the sport and help them learn some basics so that they would have some physical activity each weekend which they would enjoy.

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

As I was tying up with an NGO, it was very important to work collaboratively. It would not have been possible for me to work alone with this huge numbers of kids alone and hence it was very important on my part that I obey the regulations to maintain a good rapport with the kids and the organization. The NGO helped me get connected to the kids which really helped a lot as doing it alone would have been a great task for me alone.

LO6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

This engages with the third sustainability development goal “Good health and well-being”. Teaching them a sport engages them in some physical activity which can be counted as an exercise for them and maintaining good health requires some sort of physical activity everyday for one’s well-being.

LO7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Taking this step is not such a big deal for me but the children whom I am teaching is a great deal for them. For me it is just playing the sport again but for them it is something new and something very interesting. If I were to be doing the same thing with privileged people, they would not find it as interesting as the kids whom I am working with. This step would help me peek their excitement every other weekend of the thought of playing table tennis as it would be one of the most interesting thing they would be doing that weekend and which would make them super happy.

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