Organizing university fair in school (CAS project)

In undertaking the organization of a University Fair as part of my CAS project, I embraced the opportunity to connect my school community with institutions from around the world. There were around 71 universities from 10 different countries. This endeavor allowed me to explore the dynamics of event planning, cultural diversity, and the significance of higher education. Through the lens of this project, my reflections delve into the challenges, successes, and personal growth experienced in the pursuit of fostering educational opportunities for my peers. Below are the LOs that were incurred during the project.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I encountered numerous challenges that demanded a proactive and adaptable approach. Coordinating the University Fair required me to step out of my comfort zone and develop new skills in event management, communication, and problem-solving. Navigating unforeseen obstacles became a catalyst for personal growth, as I learned to embrace uncertainty and refine my organizational skills. Overall, this experience exemplifies my commitment to facing challenges head-on and the invaluable skills gained along the way.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Getting the University Fair off the ground required careful thinking and planning. I had to come up with a clear plan, figure out when things needed to happen, and coordinate with my time. It was about setting goals, making timelines, and working with different people to make the event a success. Taking charge of the initiation and planning taught me how to lead a project from start to finish, showing that I can organize things well and make them happen.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I stuck with organizing the University Fair even when things got tough. It wasn’t always easy, and there were challenges along the way, but I didn’t give up. I kept going, worked through problems, and stayed committed to making the event a success. This experience taught me that sticking with something, even when it’s hard, is crucial for getting good results in CAS activities.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working collaboratively on the University Fair for my CAS project was a valuable lesson in the power of teamwork. Coordinating with fellow students, teachers, and university representatives showcased the significance of effective communication and shared effort. Through this experience, I not only enhanced my interpersonal skills but also recognized the benefits of diverse perspectives and complementary strengths within a team. Collaborative efforts resulted in a more comprehensive and well-executed University Fair, emphasizing the idea that working together not only makes the workload lighter but also enriches the overall quality of the project.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

It wasn’t just about organizing an event; it was about connecting people and fostering a global mindset. This experience made me realize how connected our world is and how important it is to address big issues together. It opened my eyes to different cultures and ways of learning, making me feel more responsible for contributing to global conversations in a positive way.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

I actively considered the ethics of my choices and actions, recognizing the impact they could have on individuals and the community. Whether it was in the selection of participating universities, managing resources responsibly, or ensuring fair and inclusive practices, ethical considerations played a central role. This experience taught me the importance of making decisions that align with moral principles and promote fairness.

Looking back on organizing the University Fair for CAS, I feel proud and learned a lot. I gained new skills, like planning and sticking with things even when they got tough. Working with others showed me how teamwork makes things better. Connecting with universities from around the world made me see the bigger picture and consider global issues. Making ethical choices throughout the project was crucial, ensuring fairness and responsibility. In wrapping up this CAS project, I take away valuable lessons and a better understanding of how important it is to work together, make ethical decisions, and think globally.

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