Global Odyssey | Project

Last Year in grade 11, I with my other 2 friends were the Event Coordinators for the event, Global odyssey. Global odyssey is an economics and business management combined event. The idea behind this event was to apply the knowledge we gained in our subject classes in the real life. This event was divided into 3 parts- food, fashion, and fun. Their were different groups in each segment.

The below are the LO’s showcased during the activity.

LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Considering us as privileged students, we should always support social progress by giving to charity. Additionally, we made a positive impact on society by giving a portion of our earnings as we donated 5% of the profit generated to the NGO.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I gained a variety of skills during the event, including how to manage a crowd. In fact, I did learn how to interact with others and comprehend their needs and issues which was a challenge for me as I can’t speak in front of higher authority. I learned If we work together, we can overcome the situation successfully.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I learned how to begin and organize an event. This involved coming up with ideas and making a plan to carry them out. It taught me how to set goals, make schedules, and take the first steps in my CAS journey. I took the lead in delivering the project, setting goals, and planning the logistics and activities.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
To put together the Global Odyssey event, I had to work closely with my co-event organizers and leaders from various segments. We brainstormed ideas, made plans, and brought our vision to life. We also worked with other teams, like marketing and operations, to make sure the event went well. This teamwork taught me important skills like communication, problem-solving, and trust in my teammates.

Overall, this event helped me identify a few qualities and strengthened my interpersonal  abilities. I was also reminded of the value of teamwork, and I in general really appreciated this event.

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