
Convocation, a defining moment in my life. It wasn’t just about donning a cap and gown, but a culmination of countless late nights, growth, and determination. It marked the start of a new chapter, a testament to my resilience, and a promise to keep chasing dreams. I have always wanted to attend a convocation ceremony and instead of waiting till next year i decided to volunteer for our seniors convocation .

I became aware of the value of LO1 (Learning Outcome 1) when I started my volunteer experience during convocation: identifying my areas of strength and development. I learned that my organizing abilities were a strength while helping with the event’s arrangements. However, I also saw that there was a need for better communication, so I worked on it aggressively. I was able to use LO1 realistically via this experience and show how volunteering can lead to personal improvement.

A special chance to demonstrate LO4 (Learning Outcome 4) — demonstrating perseverance and dedication — was volunteering during convocation. I remained committed to making sure the event was successful despite the lengthy hours and difficult work. This dedication, which embodied the convocation spirit, demonstrated my commitment to helping graduates and their families have an unforgettable and fulfilling experience.

Volunteering during convocation was a prime example of applying Learning Outcome 5 (LO5) – demonstrating the skills and benefits of working collaboratively. In the bustling atmosphere of the event, I collaborated closely with fellow volunteers, coordinators, and faculty. This teamwork was essential to efficiently manage tasks, demonstrating the power of collective effort and showcasing the benefits of collaboration in creating a successful and memorable convocation experience.

My reflection on Learning Outcome 7 (LO7) — identifying and contemplating the ethics of choices and actions — was sparked by my volunteer work during convocation. As a volunteer, I was put in a variety of circumstances where I had to make moral choices, including making sure that everyone was treated equally and that their privacy was respected. I carefully considered the ethical ramifications of my decisions and behaviors, which helped to create a convocation atmosphere that was welcoming and courteous in . As later in the event i was tasked with making sure right people enter the venue at the right time and from the right gate , this came along with a lot of challenges and everything was done considering ethics and ensuring no partiality .

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