Creative mela

I volunteered at a creative mela put on by my school. A creative mela is a gathering of kids from all grades who participate in a variety of creative activities designed to improve everyone’s gross motor abilities.

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and areas for personal development.
Because I am already artistic, I taught the youngsters how to make origami. This event was attended by students in grades 7, 8, and 9. By chatting to the kids and encouraging them to gain unique and creative talents, I enhanced my communication skills. One of my favourite experiences was moving out of my comfort zone and trying something new. It allowed me to socialise with people more and offered me the opportunity to exhibit my creativity-related learning.

LO 2: Show that you have taken on obstacles and learned new abilities in the process.
Many of the children were uninterested in this event since they did not all appreciate the arts or had never participated in creative activities, making it difficult for me to keep their attention. As a consequence, I encouraged everyone to join in on the fun and creative activities I planned. As a result, I increased my gross motor abilities and communication skills by encouraging the kids to do new things and teaching them a skill they had never mastered before.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I began my CAS plan by talking with my teammate who was there while we were engaging the kids about the concepts we were going to teach them and how we were going to educate them. The event was more beneficial to the children since we organised it in a way that was easy for them to accept and something they would like doing.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I remained focused and diligent throughout the tournament since educating our juniors to be patient was challenging. Because some of the youngsters were unfamiliar with the creative tasks we were doing, they made more mistakes and worked more slowly than us. We had to keep our cool and explain things to them in different ways.

LO 5: Demonstrate abilities and recognise the benefits of collaborative work.
My companion and I collaborated on the activity. We had opposing ideas, but by recognising one another’s perspectives, we were able to discover points of agreement that allowed us to use our time productively and achieve beneficial tasks. We also split our tasks, which allowed us to more successfully balance all of the children.

Learners Profiles:
Open-minded: by listening to the viewpoints of your children.
Communicator: when sharing my thoughts with students and assigning creative assignments to them.
Caring: By being patient with children and caring about all sorts of students because a few couldn’t catchup to the general speed at which we were teaching them.

I picked this CAS experience because it allowed me to expand my creative talents while also improving my communication with students and learning something new from them. I was constant and devoted to my work since managing a few pupils was tough, but I was able to engage the students in creative activities.


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