Beach cleaning

As I had visited Dumas multiple times, I was well aware of the severity of plastic pollution in the area. So I decided to be a part of the World Coastal day cleanup on 17 September 2022. Upon arrival, we were dismayed to find the beach heavily contaminated with large quantities of plastic waste, including wrappers, bottles, packs, and even slippers. And we were ready to clean it all up.

LO5:- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Cleaning a beach can be a challenging task, especially when working alone. However, in this instance, we were organized into 4-5 teams and assigned to different sections of the beach. Each team was responsible for filling a large garbage bag with litter. Initially, there was some disagreement about the use of a dirty garbage can. Nonetheless, we were able to resolve the issue by passing the trash bag around after a set period of time. This approach made the entire process more efficient and manageable, enabling us to cover a larger area in a shorter period.

L06 :- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The shoreline was covered with numerous types of garbage, predominantly plastic waste. Given that plastic is non-biodegradable and detrimental to the environment, proper disposal and recycling are crucial. However, individuals frequently discard various forms of trash haphazardly, making recycling an arduous task. Therefore, we recognized the importance of addressing this issue and opted to clean Dumas beach. After the trash was collected it was taken by the local Municipal corporation to further recycle it.

LO7:- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Upon completing the task, I realized that this was merely the initial phase of tackling the issue of severe global water pollution. Countless individuals perish worldwide due to insufficient access to clean drinking water. Additionally, our actions significantly impact the marine ecosystem and its inhabitants. Our reckless conduct has driven numerous species to extinction. Participating in these initiatives heightened my awareness that a few negligent individuals could result in the loss of someone’s life.

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