Volunteering at Literacy Day Event

I participated in Literacy Day as a volunteer for our school. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness of the value of education. As a volunteer, it was my duty to see to it that everyone treated our Didi with respect and that their contribution was valued. We have prepared some questions to assist in getting Didi involved in the conversation because sometimes she could be shy and not want to talk. The topics covered include inquiries regarding what reading means to them, what grade they have studied in, their families and children, and their thoughts on Fountainhead students and the privileges we enjoy as students.

LO-1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As a result of taking part in the event, I learned about my skills and weaknesses. My ability to connect with people and speak well was one of my skills. I did, however, know that I needed to improve my organizational abilities because I found it difficult to handle several jobs at once.
Understanding our advantages and disadvantages is crucial because it enables us to pinpoint our areas of strength and improvement. We can overcome challenges and accomplish our objectives by strengthening our areas of weakness. For instance, I could have managed my time more effectively and completed more chores if I had worked on my organizing abilities sooner.

LO-2  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

It was difficult for the event’s organizers to distribute jobs among volunteers, start the event, and handle other problems. The task of filming a video for my presentation on the last day was a challenge for me. For me, this was a brand-new experience. I was able to resolve this issue and gain various abilities, including collaboration and communication, through practical experiential learning.

LO-4  Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Most of us are inconsistent, which makes it difficult for us to keep to our goals. We put things off, get lazy, and lose concentration because things always seem to get in the way. I worked diligently and tenaciously to complete the volunteer and filming tasks, which required us to travel to the classroom that was given to us and record various classroom segments for the project’s final day.

LO-5  Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Collaboration with others is crucial since it makes achieving our objectives more effective and efficient. It enables us to make use of one another’s skills and qualities, which may result in greater results. Teamwork was crucial for this activity to ensure that everyone behaved properly around our Didi and other support staff. In this endeavour, leadership was crucial since it enabled us to efficiently plan and run the event. Collaboration with others is crucial since it makes achieving our objectives more effective and efficient. It enables us to make use of one another’s skills and qualities, which may result in greater results. Teamwork was crucial for this activity to ensure that everyone behaved properly around our Didi and other support staff. In this endeavour, leadership was crucial since it enabled us to efficiently plan and run the event.

LO-6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

I talked with our Didi at the occasion and questioned her about literacy and education. She admitted that she had only finished elementary school, but she valued education and wanted her kids to have the chance to learn as much as they could. She also expressed her views on Fountainhead students and the perks we get, which made me appreciate how lucky I am to have access to a top-notch education.
I was able to show that I was interested in topics of international concern through this activity, particularly the problem of educational inequality. Regardless of socioeconomic standing or background, everyone should have access to education as it is a fundamental right. Because so many people lack access to high-quality education, which feeds a cycle of inequality and poverty, it is a worldwide problem.

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