
During the month of December, my school had planned an educational trip to Mount Abu which is situated in the state of Rajasthan.  The 5-day journey was jam-packed with excitement and activities. The things we were going to do on this trip were its best feature. There was a lot of trekking involved. Our two main hikes were the Mowgli Land Trek and the Golden Horn Chimney Trek, which were each 6 and 11 kilometres long, respectively. 

LO’S catered

1- The trekking trip to Mount Abu was a challenging but rewarding experience that helped me identify my strengths and develop areas for growth. The Mowgli Land Trek and the Golden Horn Chimney Trek were particularly challenging, but I was able to complete them with determination. Strengths that I identified on this trip was my physical stamina. I was able to hike for long distances and carry a heavy backpack without getting too tired and the area for growth that I identified on this trip was my mental toughness as there were times when I felt like giving up, but I was able to push through and finish the hikes.

4- These treks weren’t easy to complete, so I had to demonstrate a great deal of dedication and perseverance. I had to get up quite early to get ready, and complete a warm-up that included mild running, stretching, and a few other activities. Additionally, I had to carry a bulky bag filled with food, water, hiking supplies, and other items the entire time. Throughout the walk, there were numerous times when I wanted to stop or take a break, but I forced myself to continue. 

5- The trekking expedition to Mount Abu was a fantastic chance for me to practise working with others and to lift the spirits of those around me. We had to support one another as we were all hiking together. By encouraging them and volunteering to carry their backpacks when they were worn out, I helped to inspire others. I made sure to check in with everyone as well to see how they were doing. For example When I saw someone looking tired, I encouraged them to keep going. And when I saw someone feeling discouraged, I offered a word of support and others did the same with me.

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