Frisbee Tournament

There was an under-17 frisbee tournament organized by our school’s frisbee coach on the date 7/1/2023 at the KG farm near our school and it was a great opportunity for young frisbee players to compete against each other and have fun while improving our skills and team coordination. One of the things I enjoyed most about the tournament was that Everyone was there to have fun and to compete, but everyone was also supportive of each other. 

LO’s catered

1- Participating in the under-17 frisbee tournament helped me to identify my strengths and develop areas for growth in a number of ways. One of my strengths that I identified was my athleticism. I was able to run fast, jump high, and dive to catch the disc. I also discovered that I have a good frisbee throw. I was able to throw the disc accurately. However, I also identified some areas for growth. My catching ability. I dropped the disc a few times during the tournament, and I know that I need to improve my catching skills if I want to be a better frisbee player.

5- As frisbee is a team sport, and success in frisbee depends on the ability of players to work together effectively. The under-17 frisbee tournament provided a great opportunity for me to demonstrate my collaborative skills and to recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. One of the ways I demonstrated my collaborative skills was by communicating effectively with my teammates on the field. I used hand signals and verbal cues to let my teammates know where I was and where I was going. I also listened to my teammates’ instructions and followed their lead.

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