Garba Fest – Project

Navratri ’23 brought together MYP students and school teachers at Garba Fest for a day of cultural celebrations. As a member of the coordinating committee, I and a group of students dedicated our efforts to shaping the event’s organization, from adorning the venue to ensuring its seamless execution. Our collaborative work made certain that the festival exuded the true essence of Navratri, offering participants a memorable and culturally rich experience.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As I embarked on the initial preparations for the event, I came to the realization that effective communication played a pivotal role. I understood that without the ability to convey ideas and engage with fellow volunteers, ensuring the seamless execution of tasks would be challenging. Consequently, I acknowledged the need to enhance my communication skills and assertiveness, recognizing their significance as valuable life skills to cultivate.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Planning is undeniably a cornerstone of event success. Our dedicated organizing committee members devised a comprehensive spreadsheet encompassing all necessary details and revisions. Effective communication was established through purpose-built Hangout groups, which streamlined collaboration among team members and facilitated seamless interaction with our event administrators. Our journey in organizing this event initially posed challenges, but once we established a structured framework, initiating the preparations became straightforward. We did encounter moments when our preparation fell short, notably in the careful arrangement of event décor, making it challenging to commence the decoration process even with an abundance of willing volunteers.

Through this experience, I had the privilege of refining my leadership skills by taking on pivotal event-related responsibilities. I firmly believe that the ability to plan events is a vital skill, one that I can leverage for future event planning endeavors. This experience has not only made me more aware of my strengths and weaknesses but also instilled the confidence that organizing this event has equipped me with the competence to successfully orchestrate future events.

LO4: Demonstrate commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

While organizing the event, we juggled important tasks like IB submissions, exams, and college applcations. It got tougher with mid-term exams right around the corner, and we had to come in early for the event. Despite the challenges, we stayed committed and persistent. The OC members (including me), skipped lunch breaks and arrived early to school to make sure the event went smoothly. This showed our dedication and determination to stick with the experience, even with other pressing responsibilities.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

The success of this event hinged significantly on the collaborative efforts of the OC members. The realization of this event was only possible through the collective strength of our team. Given the multitude of tasks requiring attention, teamwork was not just a choice but a necessity. Task allocation among team members was essential for enhanced efficiency, with my responsibility centered on supervising the food stands and transportation lines. Likewise, as it was a collaborative event with the grade 11 students we even had to work collaboratively with them. other members were entrusted with roles such as decor, venue management, and various other tasks. A cohesive team spirit permeated our work as we supported each other in our respective responsibilities. The synergy of diverse thoughts and ideas contributed by everyone played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of this event.


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