Creative Mela

The Creative Mela event was a celebration of creativity and collaboration. This vibrant event provided a platform for students to explore their passions and discover new skills through a variety of engaging workshops and fun activities. The successful execution of the Creative Mela showcased our commitment to media, discipline, volunteerism, and budget management.

I demontrated many learning outcomes in this event . LO1 - Identifying Strengths and Developing Areas for Growth: since I was in media management I made few posters and videos for the activities while learning few tips and taking suggestions from my collegues . LO2- Demonstrating Undertaken Challenges: The Creative Mela was not without its fair share of challenges. From organizing logistics to coordinating with workshop facilitators and managing time constraints, the planning and execution of such an event demanded perseverance and problem-solving skills. we also had to ensure that everything must be within the budget without hampering the experience of the students. LO3- Initiating and Planning a CAS Experience: From the initial conception to the final execution, our team played a vital role in every stage of the planning process. We demonstrated their organizational skills, leadership qualities, and creativity in designing workshops that catered to diverse interests. LO4 - Commitment and Perseverance in CAS Experiences:Despite the challenges faced during the planning phase, our dedication to the event never wavered. we put in countless hours of hard work, collaborated effectively, and maintained enthusiasm throughout the journey . LO5 - Skills and Benefits of Collaborative Work: The Creative Mela emphasized the importance of teamwork and collaboration. We had the opportunity to work closely with their peers, teachers, and volunteers to bring their ideas to life. The workshops required effective communication, cooperation, and coordination among participants. LO7 - Recognizing Ethics in Choices and Actions: For our event we made sure to use the decor from previous events as well to make the best use of our school resources and also benefitted our budget. Moreover, since our peers were volunteering for the event we made sure to give a fair chance to everybody for participating . We also considered to add cultural activities such as garba , bhangra and bandni manking to bring cultural diversity in our event .

The Creative Mela was an event of of creativity, collaboration, and personal growth. This event not only provided an avenue for students to explore their passions but also allowed us to develop crucial skills and demonstrate ability to undertake challenges, initiate and plan experiences, work collaboratively, and recognize the benefits of their actions.

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