Grow more trees

Planting trees help fight climate change and supports local communities. My aim was to plant 100 tree saplings from seeds. In this experience, I  used plastic glass, small stones, compost, and seeds.  I grew Tamarind, lemon, and moringa sapling. After the plant grew I donated them. I donated them near our school in Kunkuni village. This CAS experience includes Activity and Service. Doing gardening is my hobby and during my free time, I always enjoy spending time with nature and observing it grow. I am interested to grow trees and show respect and love for nature. The issue I was focusing on was climate change and global warming. I successfully accomplished my goal and planted 100 tree saplings.

LO 1:Identify own strengths and develop area for growth

In planting, we need lots of patience. And I have developed my tolerance in this CAS experience. Because I have failed many times. I started planting in September and between I tried to plant trees to 4-5 times. Sometimes the seeds were not right, sometimes after growing they died, and sometimes the soil and weather were not proper. But I have learned many things. My weakness would be not able to decide correct seeds for planting. I think I was not a good decision maker but I developed it. I feel satisfied that I am aware of my strength and weaknesses.

LO 2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging was being dedicated because I was successful after planting for 5 months. At one point of time, I should quit but consistency is key to success. I overcome this challenge because of my interest in gardening. It wasn’t the first time for me to plant since I was a kid I loved to do gardening. I feel proud of myself that I took this challenge and accomplished it.

LO 3:Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I organize myself by planning before. The first thing to do was decide which seeds to grow cording to the season. Then I had to research the seed’s germination times and know about them. Then I soaked the seeds overnight and the next day planted them in the soil mix. The soil mix contained cocopeat, vermicompost, and garden soil. During the growing period, I kept them on the balcony where a sufficient amount of sunlight was given to grow. I watered them every two days. I am usually an organized person who always plans things before.

LO 4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Growing trees isn’t just planting them in soil its also hope. After planting them every day I woke with the hope that today the seeds I planted would germinate and come out from seed. I failed many times but stayed consistent.

LO 5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

After the plants has grown and were ready to plant a seed it was time to donate them. So I need to find a place to plant them. I took help from my father and thought to donate them to the village near my school. Before giving plants to villagers I had to talk with gam sarpanch(village head) and take permission. Sarpanch was really kind and helped us to communicate with villagers. I saw they were so happy and excited to get tree plants. The plant I donated is moringa which grows fast and has many health benefits. Working and communicating with others is not generally for me because I am quite an introverted person. But it was easy because Sarpanch helped us.

LO 6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The issue I was focusing on was climate change and global warming. This CAS experience was aligned with SDG 13-Climate change and SDG 14- Life on Land. Awareness of global issues can help us improve as a society. As I am aware I feel I want to change and help solve climate change through small steps.

LO 7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and action

While doing this CAS experience I learned that tree planting is not only for environmental benefits but also for surrounding land use and community engagement. I learned tree plantation is not only planting the seed but a long process of taking permissions and making a plan.


Learner Profile

Caring-I showed commitment to growing trees and doing service.
Risk-taker– I failed many times but still was dedicated and finally completed my CAS experience.
Balanced– I balanced my studies and this CAS experience by planning.


This CAS experience was most memorable and interesting. I can’t believe I saw a plant growing from see a small plant that is going to be a tree in the future. I loved to interact with villagers. I would like to thank them that they understood and believed us. I would visit village after year to see the growth of trees.

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