Global Odyssey (Marketing/Social-Media Team)

Participating in the Global Odyssey business event as a marketer was an incredible CAS experience for me. Working alongside my fellow mates, we were tasked with promoting the event and coming up with creative ways to engage and attract younger students to participate. This experience helped me develop my skills in marketing, communication, and collaboration. This experience taught me the importance of market research, understanding the target audience, and identifying effective marketing channels. We had to use a variety of marketing strategies, including social media, email marketing, and posters, to reach our target audience.

LO1: Participating in the Global Odyssey Event as a marketer helped me identify my strengths and areas for growth. One of my strengths was my creativity, which allowed me to develop unique and innovative marketing ideas. However, I also realized that I needed to work on my time management skills. I struggled to prioritize tasks and often found myself feeling overwhelmed. Moving forward, I plan to work on improving my time management skills by breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and setting clear deadlines for myself. This experience helped me recognize the importance of self-reflection and continuous improvement.

LO2: The Global Odyssey event proposed several challenges that required me to develop new skills. As a marketer, I had to come up with creative ideas to draw younger students’ attention to the event. This required me to develop skills in market research, social media marketing, and content creation. I also had to work on my time management skills to ensure that I met all of my deadlines. Through this experience, I learned that taking on new challenges can be daunting, but it can also lead to personal growth and the development of new skills.

LO3: As part of my CAS experience, I decided to participate in the Global Odyssey business event. I took the initiative to join the marketing team and worked with my fellow team members to plan and execute our marketing strategies. We brainstormed ideas, researched our target audience, and identified effective marketing channels. We divided tasks among ourselves and set deadlines to assure we met our goals. I also took on the responsibility of creating promotional materials and coordinating with event organizers. Overall, the planning and execution of the Global Odyssey business event was a valuable CAS experience that taught me important skills in marketing and teamwork.

LO4: In the Global Odyssey business event, I showed perseverance and commitment by staying focused on our marketing goals and continuing to work hard even when faced with obstacles. There were times when we encountered unexpected challenges, such as low engagement from potential attendees, but I remained committed to the project and continued to work with my team to come up with creative solutions. I believe that this experience helped me to develop a stronger sense of perseverance and resilience, which will serve me well in future endeavours.

LO5: Working collaboratively on the Global Odyssey business event was a valuable experience that taught me the skills and benefits of teamwork. By working with others, I was able to share ideas, pool resources, and draw on each other’s strengths. This allowed us to come up with more creative and effective marketing strategies, and to accomplish more than we would have been able to alone. Collaborating with others also helped me to develop my communication skills, build trust and respect, and learn how to resolve conflicts and work through challenges together.

LO6: As a participant in the Global Odyssey Event, I had the opportunity to engage with issues of global significance, particularly around the issue of plastic waste. Our team decided to promote the idea of reusing rather than recycling, and we encouraged event attendees to bring their own lunch boxes instead of using the disposable softwood plates that we provided. Through this initiative, we aimed to raise awareness about the impact of plastic waste on the environment and promote more sustainable habits. It was great to see that many attendees were receptive to our message and were excited about making small changes in their daily lives to help reduce their plastic consumption.

As a team, we worked collaboratively to come up with creative marketing ideas, such as creating fun videos, running contests, and organizing information sessions for younger students. This experience taught me the importance of teamwork and effective communication, as we had to coordinate our efforts to ensure that our marketing efforts were consistent and effective. Overall, the Global Odyssey business event taught me valuable skills in marketing and collaboration and helped me develop my leadership abilities. This experience has prepared me for future challenges in both academic and professional settings, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in it as a marketer.

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