Feeding Stray Dogs

I love dogs and some of my favorite things to do is to play and spend some time with them whether they are street or pet dogs so i took the opportunity and decided to feed stray dogs around the different areas from my home . so i started giving some food to the dogs as a responsible member of the community and the issue which i’m engaging on is to protect them from harmful diseases such as rabies and to keep them safe from the harmful environment around the areas where they stay and usually spend time , the dogs don’t have any shelter to live and sometimes they just go to sleep without having the proper portion of food required so i decided to feed stray dogs and to basically help them in some ways .


LO- 1[ identify own strengths and develop areas for growth screen reader support enabled]

Feeding food to stray dogs build a importance in me for the betterment of world and also made me realize that how happy that makes them feel when you give some importance and spend time with them and made me believe that i have a lot of good potential to help others according to my means,also helped me to be patient and open -minded and be more efficient towards the food and to support the no food hunger sustainability  goal as people sometimes just throw the leftovers in  the bin rather than donating them to dogs which they are ok to eat. Feeding stray dogs also helped me identify my own strengths and motivate me to ask others to help stray dogs as they can and made me believe that i have a nice understand of knowledge.

LO-2[ demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process]

challenges during this CAS service was that i have never feed stray dogs  and spent good times with them because whenever i go i feel like they gonna bit or will behave aggressively with me so the fear was always risen up.the challenges that i faced was that when i went to feed them there have been countless examples of conflicts between feeders and other citizens which pop up in my mind that they gonna attack us then i calmed myself and thought that if you behave properly with them they will do it in return and be good with you .It helped me to learn how life of dogs are like they sleep wherever they want,eat unhealthy food,get affects by harmful diseases and then also live happily .At last i was able to learn about their lives and was so happy after spending time with them.

LO-5[demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively]

Going out in a group definitely helped since we were able to feed more animals than I could have done by myself, and it also made it easier for us to stand with the animals while feeding them because i had my friends there to support my emotions for being scared of dogs.

LO-6[demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance]

The sustainable environment goal that I’m going to concentrate on is life on land because of hunger dogs sometimes eat garbage or other things that they can’t eat because it’s indigestible and can also cause them to die so me and my friends came up with an idea to clear the area where dogs live so they do not eat undigestible food or garbage and provide them with the food which is easily absorbed by them and further not led to any illnesses by eating and we maintain it through the entire CAS experience.

LO-7[ recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions]

In a way, we are the ones wasting the leftover food and throwing it away, creating a problem, whereas we could save it and give it to dogs instead, keeping them from being hungry and allowing them to sleep with food rather than without it. I also store snacks and drink in my car so that I may feed them whenever I notice them. I try to avoid wasting food because it can genuinely help animals in need. I finally had a good and appreciative experience with

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