Global Odyssey

Global Odyssey is an annual business fair organized by our school, focusing on economics and business management disciplines. During the event, various teams, including accounts, decor, food, and more, collaborate to create a vibrant atmosphere. I participated in the Accounts Team, aligning with my interests. The fair showcased practical applications of economic and business concepts, from profit maximization to marketing. As a member of the Accounts Team, my responsibility was managing the event’s finances. Global Odyssey served as a platform for students to apply classroom knowledge in a real-world context, enriching our understanding of economics and business management while fostering teamwork and practical skills.

LO’s Catered

1- Participating in Global Odysseyemphasizes developing new skills and deepening existing ones. My strength lay in my financial acumen, as I effectively managed the event’s finances. However, I also recognized the need to enhance my interpersonal skills, particularly in collaborating more efficiently within the Accounts Team and communicating financial information to others. This experience highlighted the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving challenges, reflecting the essence of LO-1.

7- While managing event finances, we faced opportunities to potentially evade taxes dishonestly. However, we chose to uphold ethical principles and fulfill our tax obligations diligently. This decision reinforced our commitment to integrity, demonstrating that ethical values and responsible financial management should never be compromised, even when facing tempting shortcuts. By making the right ethical choices, we not only contributed to the event’s success but also cultivated a strong sense of integrity and responsibility, aligning with LO-7’s core values.

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