
A captivating and energizing instrumental experience is drumming. As a drummer, you have the special ability to determine a song’s rhythm and tempo, add accents and dynamics that elevate the music and infuse any performance with a feeling of force and energy. Together, your hands and feet can produce intricate rhythms and patterns that can propel a song along or serve as a solid base for other musicians to build upon. This CAS activity gave me the opportunity to learn and improve my drumming skills.

LO1 –

While drumming, after every session I had to reflect upon my performance and analyze, where I played really well and where I could improve. After the first few sessions, I noticed that my area of strength is learning, I could sync in with the beat really quickly compared to others. My area of development is lack of focus because later on in the session I usually lose focus and get so demotivated that I won’t be able to play a certain beat.

LO2 –

The journey of learning to perform the drums is one that can be both exciting and challenging. To become a skilled drummer, you must acquire a high level of muscular coordination, stamina, and concentration. Learning timing and rhythm is one of the hardest things for novices to do, and it takes time and effort to master. I knew that I had to face the challenges and not ignore them so I faced the challenges and in the process, I developed my skills in drumming.

LO4 –

The art of drumming takes commitment and perseverance to master. Any drummer who wants to advance in their musical career and advance their skill set must possess perseverance and dedication. I had to face quite some challenges but practicing and playing in the face of obstacles and failures is the only way of showing dedication. It entails persevering through challenges and looking for methods to get better rather than giving up when things get difficult. Ultimately, showing perseverance and commitment in drumming can lead to great rewards, both personally and professionally

LO7 –

Drummers need to be aware of copyright regulations and intellectual property rights. When using someone else’s music or samples, it is imperative to show reverence for their creative endeavours and to secure licenses or permissions. Drumming can be a powerful tool for representation and social change, thus it’s important to think about the ideas and morals that the music espouses.

In conclusion, this CAS experience was very helpful for me in understanding more about one of the things that I most love, music. Through this CAS experience along with the fun I had, I also developed many different skills like showing perseverance, facing various challenges, etc.



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