Subroto football nationals

Title: Kicking Goals and Building Dreams: My CAS Experience in Participating in the Subroto National Football Tournament

Introduction: Immersing myself in the world of competitive football, I eagerly embraced the opportunity to represent my school in the Subroto National Football Tournament in Delhi. Little did I know that this experience would extend beyond the football field, becoming a transformative journey of personal growth, teamwork, and cultural exchange.

LO 1: Strength & Growth: Participating in the Subroto National Football Tournament illuminated my strengths in athleticism, strategic thinking, and teamwork. Simultaneously, it highlighted areas for growth, inspiring me to refine my football skills, enhance my physical fitness, and develop a deeper understanding of team dynamics.

LO 2: Challenge & Skills: The tournament presented a formidable challenge, demanding the development of new skills in competitive football, tactical awareness, and adaptability on the field. It was an extension of my existing football experience, pushing me to refine techniques, understand different playing styles, and adapt to the fast-paced nature of competitive matches.

LO 5: Collaborative Skills: The tournament was a testament to collaborative skills as I worked closely with teammates, coaches, and opponents. Through shared victories and defeats, we forged strong bonds, emphasizing the benefits and challenges of collaborative efforts in the pursuit of sporting excellence.

LO 7: Ethics of Choices & Actions: Participating in the tournament involved ethical considerations related to fair play, respect for opponents, and adherence to rules. From making ethical choices during matches to displaying sportsmanship in victories and defeats, the experience heightened my awareness of the ethical dimensions of choices and actions in a competitive sports setting.

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