Farewell dance

Embarking on a journey of self-expression and celebration, I eagerly participated in my school’s farewell dance as part of my CAS experience. Little did I anticipate that this experience would not only allow me to revel in the joy of dance but also become a platform for personal growth, collaboration, and the creation of lasting memories.

LO 1: Strength & Growth: Participating in the farewell dance illuminated my strengths in creativity, self-expression, and teamwork. It provided a space to recognize my love for the performing arts. Simultaneously, it highlighted areas for growth, inspiring me to refine my dance techniques, enhance my stage presence, and nurture my artistic abilities.

LO 2: Challenge & Skills: The farewell dance served as a unique challenge, demanding the development of new skills in choreography, coordination, and stage performance. It was an extension of my existing dance experience, pushing me to refine my techniques and embrace new dance styles. The experience showcased my ability to undertake challenges and acquire new skills in a creative setting.

LO 3: Initiative & Planning: Taking part in the farewell dance was a demonstration of initiative and planning. Collaborating with fellow participants, we conceptualized and executed dance routines, ensuring seamless performances. This collaborative planning process allowed me to articulate the stages involved in bringing a creative idea to life on the stage.

LO 4: Commitment & Perseverance: My commitment to the farewell dance was evident in regular rehearsals, active engagement, and a persistent pursuit of excellence. Navigating through the complexities of choreography and rehearsals, I showcased perseverance in the face of challenges, contributing to the overall success of the dance performance.

LO 5: Collaborative Skills: The farewell dance was a testament to collaborative skills as I worked closely with a diverse group of participants, each bringing unique talents to the performance. Through shared responsibilities, mutual support, and creative collaboration, we created a harmonious and memorable dance presentation.

LO 7: Ethics of Choices & Actions: Participating in the farewell dance involved ethical considerations related to teamwork, respect, and cultural sensitivity. From making inclusive choreographic choices to respecting diverse dance styles, the experience heightened my awareness of the ethical dimensions of choices and actions in a collaborative, creative endeavor.

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