IBSO volunteer

As a dedicated student passionate about sports and community engagement, I eagerly embraced the opportunity to volunteer at my school’s hosting of the IBSO Tournament. Little did I know that this experience would not only test my abilities but also become a transformative journey of self-discovery.

LO 1: Strength & Growth: From the onset, I recognized my strengths in organizational skills and teamwork. However, as I dove into the complexities of managing a tournament of this scale, I identified areas for growth, particularly in time management and adaptability. It was eye-opening to witness how some skills were more developed than others and to acknowledge the potential for continuous improvement.

LO 2: Challenge & Skills: The tournament presented a formidable challenge – managing a sports event on such a grand scale. This unfamiliar experience pushed me to develop and refine crucial skills in event coordination, effective communication, and problem-solving. Each day brought new challenges, fostering an environment where skills were not just honed but expanded.

LO 3: Initiative & Planning: Initiating and planning the CAS experience involved a collaborative effort. From the conception of the idea to the execution of the plan, I actively participated in organizing the tournament. Collaborating with other volunteers and organizers, we navigated through the stages, ensuring every detail was meticulously planned. This experience enhanced my knowledge and awareness of the intricate process behind executing a successful event.

LO 4: Commitment & Perseverance: My commitment to the IBSO Football Tournament was unwavering. From the initial planning stages to the final whistle, I demonstrated regular involvement and active engagement. The countless hours invested in ensuring the tournament’s success showcased my dedication and perseverance in the face of various challenges.

LO 5: Collaborative Skills: The tournament provided a platform for the demonstration and recognition of collaborative skills. Working alongside a diverse group of volunteers, participants, and organizers, I experienced firsthand the benefits and challenges of collaboration. Through shared responsibilities and collective efforts, we created an environment conducive to teamwork.

LO 6: Global Engagement: While the primary focus was on the local event, the IBSO Football Tournament facilitated global engagement. Interacting with students from IB schools across India broadened my perspective and deepened my understanding of different cultures. This experience laid the foundation for recognizing and engaging with issues of global significance.

LO 7: Ethics of Choices & Actions: In the intricate web of planning and executing the tournament, ethical considerations were paramount. From ensuring fair play on the field to making responsible decisions off it, I became acutely aware of the consequences of choices and actions. This heightened sense of ethics was crucial in navigating the complexities of a large-scale sports event.

Conclusion: My journey as a volunteer in the IBSO Football Tournament was not just about managing a sports event; it was a holistic learning experience. Through challenges, collaboration, and global engagement, I not only contributed to the success of the tournament but also grew as an individual. This CAS experience has left an indelible mark on my journey of self-discovery, reaffirming the transformative power of community engagement and sportsmanship.

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