Global Odyssey ( Creativity)

Global odyssey was student led event, conducted on 23rd february, 2023.THis event was turned into a flea market by the amalgamation of BM and economics students. The event had areas to implement our book knowledge into real life scenarios of how a business actually runs and what are the aspects of it. For this particular event, I was appointed as the event coordinator.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My role required a lot of communication as my job was to coordinate with leaders from all the sectors – Fun, Food and Fashion during the preparations of the event. I had to keep a planned list of all the groups and the products which they will be displaying to make sure that on the event day, there is no hassle and everything is organized, which is one of my fortes. On the day of the event, my job was to take the teachers visiting through the entire event, talking about the concepts of business and how those concepts are being conceptualized in the real -life business fair event.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Throughout the event, I learned various skills, one of which was dealing with a large crowd and communication skills. It was the first time that I was going to talk about a real life event with all the teachers who came to visit. At first I was very nervous because we had to include the elements of business, for example the type of pricing all the groups are using as learned in our business management classes. For that, I made a script and learned the points that I have to speak about while having a conversation with the visitor and while explaining about the event.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The whole idea of planning and execution of this event was collaborating students from two different subjects together and putting up an event focusing on their subjects. As an event coordinator, I had to collaborate with all the heads of the three departments of the event so that all of us are on the same page during the final event. It was important to work with all of the departments and teachers to make sure what is going on at which corner of the event. So that we can guide the teachers who visited the event about each of the sections of the event.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

One of the key factors of this event was to focus on sustainability at each point of the event, be it decor or the three segments of the event. I, being the event coordinator, decided alongside the food leader that we will not provide plastic plates at all of the food stalls to minimize wastage and harm to the environment, we came up with the bring your own dabbas initiative for the same. We made decor choices collaboratively with the decor incharges as such that the minimum resources are wasted and the decor pieces being made can be re-used for further events.

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