Blog Writing

Sustainability is one of the important aspects which needs to be considered while making a decision. Making responsible and proactive decision making which minimize the negative impacts on the surrounding environment. Nowadays the growing population has increased the demand for natural resources. Moreover, natural resources are limited, these resources will become extinct and would not be accessible to the future generations. Sustainability is the key to a better future.

Each and every one of us wants to make sustainable decisions and use innovative technologies to minimize the negative environmental impact. Often, we receive suggestions that install solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems and many more. But these things require lots of space, time and money. So, what can we do to implement sustainability at a small scale? 

I have written a blog to answer this question. The blog includes such methods which make sustainability happen. As we know that small changes contribute to a big change, blog communicates to a wide range of people and shares this idea of sustainability. The blog website has 3 different blogs catering to different problems.

While demonstrating this CAS experience, I demonstrated the following LO’s:

LO1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While performing the experiences, I identified my strengths and weaknesses. My strength was quality research – finding facts, data, people’s perspective about sustainability, current issues, existing solutions and inadequacies in current solutions and many more. 

My weakness was writing a blog. I feel I would not be able to write a blog with a proper register and persuasive techniques. I found online lessons and videos to work on my diction and persuasive language to make it more interesting for the audience to read. People usually avoid reading blogs, but I tried my best to make it interesting by adding facts and images related to the context. Overcoming this challenge helped me to build audience’s interest and allowed my idea to reach many. 

LO3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

This process was quite long for me. As I need to work on my weaknesses and overcome them. Moreover, I initiated my plan by doing some basic research about the existing solutions, facts and statistics to support my pointers, images which appeal to the audience and finding the strengths and the weaknesses of the solutions. 

I organized all the information in a document with supporting details, so that it is easy to locate all the required information while writing the blog. It was very important to plan and initiate the CAS experience as this made my process smoother, I would know after doing this step what to do next, and this made my whole experience effective. 

Due to planning and initiative, I got some time to work on my weaknesses and overcome them. Moreover, planning helps me balance my academic task and examination, it allows me to have enough time and complete all my tasks before the deadline. 

I believe that planning and initiating will be easier for me in future and always help me. 

LO6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The global issue was the overconsumption of the limited natural resources. Overconsumption of natural resources is a significant threat to the environment and to civilization around the world. The environment is incapable of replenishing the resources if we use them too quickly. The increase in air pollution due to the overconsumption of resources and the effects of climate change will worsen throughout time.

Through the CAS activity, I tried to dig deep to find the reasons and solution to this problem. The possible solution is to make better choices, on which I have shared a few ideas through the blog.  

I developed a few learner profiles during the experience, knowledgeable and communicator. Communicator, understanding and expressing the information creatively and used a different form of. Communication while sharing the idea. Knowledgeable, I tried to acquire in-depth knowledge about sustainability and its possible solutions. Learning and exploring a new concept and issues related to it.

Evidence is attached below:


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