Wall Hanging Organizers

Hand embroidery, of one kind or another, is thousands of years old. embroidery is an expression of self, rendered with patience and dedicated hard work. Creating a wall hanging organizer and performing hand embroidery upon it was absolutely new to me. Hand embroidery requires a lot of skills and techniques to make it. Hand embroidery is considered to be a traditional part of different cultures. Currently, this tradition was entirely eliminated from society. The people around us might not be aware of such things.  While demonstrating this CAS experience, I demonstrated the following LO’s:

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Certain challenges faced during the experiences, was to learn a new skill which I wasn’t aware of during this whole process. Moreover, I learned this through YouTube videos and different online platforms. This process was time consuming as I was learning it from scratch. The challenges were to manage the time as effectively as possible, as I had submissions, summative assessments, examinations and other academic tasks. Furthermore, there was no professional person who could guide and teach me.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Planning this whole experience was a very essential part of the experience. As mentioned, there were lots of academic related tasks which were also very important for me to complete and work on the CAS experience. In addition, gaining an understanding of hand embroidery skills and techniques was also something new for me. It was very difficult for me to plan this whole experience without any loss of academics.

Through this experience, I was able to structure the activities and tasks which I need to carry out, like practicing and performing the skills and techniques before the final work, exploring different styles and techniques of the art form and many more. I tried to keep the notes as organized as possible and divide them by the stages by which I went through to plan and, ultimately, accomplish the final result. Moreover, at different stages I required different sets of resources to carry it out. Collecting the resources and making it happen. This whole experience took 27 hours.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. 

During the process I was enjoying the very minute, this highlighted the commitment and engagement in the whole process. Every day, at least I used to work for an hour. On a regular basis I was making constant contributions in the activity. However, sometimes there were instances where I needed to work for a specific subject, but still I made my best effort to complete this activity. At the last point, when the process was at the end, there were different summative assessments in the gap of 2-3 days. At this very moment, it is strenuous for me to complete the task and meet the deadlines.

Overall, I also saw myself demonstrating certain learner profiles – Balanced and Courageous. Balance, by planning my time to get the most effective outcome, balancing studies (Summative Assessment, Preparing and Practicing for Examinations) and completing the process on time. Even, I showcased the learner profile inquirers, as this a totally new experience for me. I was very enthusiastic throughout the journey of developing the product. During this process I developed new skills and researched about the same. This whole process was performed independently and allowed me to learn how to work independently.

Evidence is attached below:

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