Swimming (4th Experience)

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I have always enjoyed the process of being alone in the water. When I swim, I find a way not only to make sure that I get the appropriate and necessary cardio exercise for my physical well-being. But I am also able to make sure that I get some alone time, some time to contemplate my many decisions and thoughts and opinions, and a lot of other necessary things and activities. I feel strangely calm after completing my many trips to the pool. Swimming is also a very productive activity to build upon my stamina, endurance, long-term efficiency, and muscle strength.


I can swim for long periods. I could not swim by using many techniques. Earlier, I was unable to swim using free style. I was only capable of using the breaststroke style. However, this term, I worked on my limitations. I learned to swim with the new stroke. The experience helped me acknowledge swimming is my strength. Nevertheless, I also recognize that I can continually improve.


The activity was very close to my exams, so ensuring I did not compromise my studies and other academic progress was difficult. Swimming takes a long time if one aims to develop one’s strengths. The exercise gave me a new perspective on my time-management skills and how to improve them. After this experience, I have worked on my executive control and inculcated daily exercise into my routine.


The experience required commitment and perseverance. It was challenging to wake up early morning to go to the pool. I also had to go to the pool outside my house often alone. Swimming was challenging as it was difficult to be in the water for 30 to 60 minutes. It was not problematic to swim for 15 or 20 minutes. However, it is uneasy afterward.

Being able to swim has been able to provide me with a feeling of peace and has also been very supportive of my health.

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